Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Surestart Summer Event


Surestart have informed us that there will be a roving photographer at the Summer Event (thursday 28th) taking photographs to promote Surestart.

If you have any concerns about this please talk to Bev


School Trip to Surestart Oxford Summer Event.

Coach leaves at 9.15 am, returns approx 2.30pm. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing for an active day, comfortable shoes etc., and brings a packed lunch including a drink and a lightweight waterproof. A change of clothing can be left on the coach. All items labelled please.

letter of the week __________ Jj
Topic________________________ At the seaside

week beginning June 25

Chestnut Trees Pre-school

July 2007 Newsletter

The term ends on Tuesday 24st July, at 1pm, after the Leaver’s Picnic (see below). That evening the committee would welcome all helping hands to tidy away/clean the schools rooms for the summer holiday break, from 7.30pm. We will be also go out for a meal afterwards; all welcome. More details to follow.

Preschool starts again on Thursday 6th September, with an OPEN DAY on Wednesday 5th September for all current and new children; 9.30-11.30am – accompanied children only please. Regalia and refreshments will be available.

Our annual Clean-up Day is on Tuesday 4th September from 9.30 am. This is an opportunity to make the preschool cupboards gleam. Please come along and help the committee clear away the dust and set up for the coming term.

We are asking parents to donate bottles (alcoholic bottles are particularly tempting on tombolas) for the preschool stall at the Shrivenham Village Fete on August 25th – there is a box in the hallway.

The tombola is an excellent source of additional funding for the preschool and monies raised will go towards extending the facilities for the children. We are also looking for any help on the day. Please do come along and help out for a stint (see Bev); and bring family and friends to enjoy the afternoon!

The Chestnut Tress Preschool AGM will be held on 19th September at 7.30pm in the schoolrooms.

Summer Trip/ Thursday 28th June
Please be at preschool for 9am registration. The coach will leave at 9.15am, returning at approx. 2.30pm. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing for an active day, comfortable shoes etc., and brings a packed lunch including a drink and a lightweight waterproof. A change of clothing can be left on the coach. All items labelled please.

Shrivenham Primary School Visit
Any children that are starting at Shrivenham Primary School have the opportunity to visit the School on Thursday July 12th from 9.30 - 11.30am. The School have asked that Parents/Carers do not stay for the visit. Chestnut Trees Staff will accompany children to/from the school but will not be staying with them.

Sports Day
Sports Day will take place on Thursday 19th July, regardless of the weather. Please let Val know if your child will not be attending that day. Activities begin at 10.30am, refreshments will be available. Cakes and cookie donations please – there will be a sign-up sheet on the board.

End of Year Picnic
The end of year will be celebrated with a Leaver’s picnic on Tuesday 24th July from 11.30–1.00pm.

All preschool children, parents & carers and siblings are invited to join us under the awning in the play area. There will be a sign-up sheet for food donations in the hallway.

Check out the Chestnut Trees Preschool Blog ... going live this week, with weekly updates on forthcoming events, useful links and information about our preschool.

Ofsted Report 2007

click here to read the latest Ofsted Report for Chestnut Trees Preschool

click here to view Ofsted Archives for Chestnut Trees Preschool.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Committee Meeting

Decided to start a blog!

eat triple chocolate cake, drank lots of water, because it is hot.

Monday, 4 June 2007

week beginning June 4

Term 6
Mon. 4th June – Tues. 24th July 2007
Preschool closes at noon on the last day of term for children not attending the End of Term Picnic.

Term 1 - 2007/08
Wed. 6th September – Fri. 19th October 2007 tbc

Contacting Preschool
If you need to contact preschool in an emergency
(between 9.00-1.00pm) the number is 07929 240719.

For general enquires about preschool please call 01793 784088 or contact the relevant committee member
or send an email to chestnutspreschool@yahoo.co.uk

Preschool Regalia
T-Shirts £4.75 each
Sweatshirts £7.50 each
Fleeces £14.00 each
Sun hats £3.00 each
All items are bottle green with a gold chestnut trees logo.

Welcome to term 6 at Chestnut Trees Preschool.

Our topic for this term is: “Visiting places, home and away”

There is a supplement to this newsletter, on the noticeboard, which explains the context of this topic
and what the children will be doing. We ask that parents & carers loan books and puzzles relating to the latest topic. These items should be clearly labelled and will be returned at the end of the term. Thank you for supporting this scheme, which greatly increases the variety of books and toys for the childrens’ enjoyment.

The next committee meeting is at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th June

Please ensure your child arrives at preschool with suntan lotion already applied; this would be sufficient coverage for the children until collection time. Also, please supply your child with a named hat, which may be left at school on a daily basis; just remember to collect to take home to wash as necessary.

Please bring in any final Sainsbury’s Vouchers ASAP.

If you have any other vouchers (eg. Tesco/Persil) we would be happy to take them – just put them into the Sainsbury’s box in the hallway and if we cannot use them ourselves we will pass them on to the Primary School.

Please would every child bring a change of clothes to preschool, in case of accidents (paintily etc.) and
inclement weather.

If your child has an existing injury please make a note in the school diary; this would greatly help staff in checking whether a bump or scrape has occurred on the premises.

Parents are reminded that they are responsible for accompanying siblings when doing parent help.

This is an insurance matter; unfortunately staff can not be responsible for looking after additional children.

If you are interested in using Childcare Vouchers to pay Chestnut Trees Preschool fees, please talk to Geraldine.

As many of you are aware, the Preschool has a regular slot (once every 8 weeks) providing Fairtrade refreshments at the fortnightly Farmer’s Market at the Memorial Hall. This is a good opportunity for fundraising and the committee would appreciate help when the time comes – please add your name to the help sheet on the hall board.

In the interests of health and safety please take care when carrying out parent rota duties; wash or peel all fruit and wash and dry all plates, cups and utensils carefully before returning them to the cupboards.

Table Top Sale & Sponsored Race
A huge Thank you! to everyone who helped towards this very successful morning on Saturday 12th May. A profit
of £300 was made, and will be put together with money raised from the Obstacle R˙ace last term to purchase an outdoor playhouse for the children.

Ofsted visited during the last week of Term 5 for an inspection. The results are published in full on the notice board. Congratulations to all the staff and especially to Bev - well done!!

The New Term

Preschool Year Photograph
On Wednesday 20th June we will be having a group photo taken of the children and staff. All children welcome; if your child does not usually attend on a wednesday please come in for 9.15am. It would be great if everyone was wearing Chestnut Trees uniform. There will be a charge of approx £5 for the photo, with a decorated frame.

Summer Trip
Once again the preschool has been invited to the Surestart Summer Event in Oxford on Thursday 28th June. This will be@ an exciting day of fun activities such as donkey rides and face painting and is designed just for under 5’s. To help towards the cost of the coach trip we will be asking for a small donation per child. More details attached.

End of Term Picnic/Leavers Party
This is an opportunity for children and parents/carers to enjoy a picnic lunch together and celebrate the end of another successful year at preschool. We will also be making a presention to the children moving up to Primary School in September. Held in the preschool outdoor play area on the last day of term, Tuesday 24th July; 11.30-1.00pm.

That evening the committee would welcome all helping hands to tidy away/clean the schools rooms for the summer holiday break, from 7.30pm.

We will be also go out for a meal afterwards; all welcome. More details to follow.

Finally, if your contact information has changed recently please let a member of the committee know. If you are interested in receiving information or reminders about preschool via email, please send an email with your details to chestnutspreschool@yahoo.co.uk

Dates for your diary
Tuesday__________12 June_____Committee Meeting
Wednesday_______20 June_____Preschool Group Photo
Thursday_________28 June_____Summer Trip
Thursday_________19 July______Sports Day
Tuesday__________24 July______End of year picnic
_______________________________end of term 6
_______________________________Tidy up/meal out
Wednesday_______19th Sept____AGM

Letter of the week

Week commencing__Letter__Topic
4 June______Hh____Our House
11 June_____Gg____In the Garden
18 June_____Cc____Cold Places
25 June_____Jj_____At the Seaside
2 July_______Kk____At the Park
9 July_______Nn____Hot Places

Please encourge your child to bring in an object beginning with the letter of the week for the show table.