Sunday, 18 November 2007


Current Topic
There are two main topics for this term. The first is Autumn. This will be our topic for the first 4 weeks. Then our next topic will be Christmas, this will be the topic for the final 4 weeks of the term. Please see the notice board for any further information regarding term topics.

Please speak to Val, Helen, Sarah or Amanda if you have any books, puzzles or resources that are topic related. The pre-school appreciates any resources that could be labeled and borrowed.  

Please can all parents remember to bring a piece of fruit every day for snack (avoiding anything containing nuts). On occasion the pre-school has been a bit short on fruit.

Lunch club is available for 3 year olds who are starting school in September. This is offered as part of the child s pers onal and social development. It helps them learn to sit with others and eat their own lunch, and is a particularly useful preparation for the slightly longer hours at primary school. Please contact Val or Becky if you would like your child to stay for lunch. Available on a Tuesday, Wednesday and a Thursday at £2.50 per day.

Diary System
Each child has their own individual diary which is kept in the trays near the notice board. Please can parents use the diaries to communicate with staff when necessary. This is useful if you have any information you wish to tell the staff that morning. If you write your message in the diary and give it to your child to hand in to the staff when they enter the pre-school. Because first thing in the morning is busy, the diary system avoids any crowding at the door, children struggling to get in, or anyone slipping out unnoticed.

If a different person is picking your child up from pre-school, please write it in the diary and ask your child to hand it in to staff. If different arrangements need to be made during the morning whilst your child is already at preschool, please phone the pre-school contact number (07929 240719) and give staff the full name of the person picking up your child (if that person has not collected you child before could they bring some I.D with them for the staff to check before the child is allowed to go). It is useful to have pre-school emergency number with you or stored in your mobile phone for this purpose.

Forthcoming events
Laura Howell (Katherine’s Mum) is hosting an Usbourne Book Party on Thursday 22nd November at 10am. All proceeds will go to Chestnut Trees so a good opportunity to buy some Chrisdtmas presents as well as raise some money for the pre-school. Look out for full details on the notice bord.

Start Times
Once the door has opened at 9am please ensure the children come in quickly as the staff will be prompt in closing it again in the interest of safety.

The staff will be taking the children outside as often as weather allows. Please provide named Wellington boots for outside and daps for wearing in Preschool. These can be kept at Preschool.

Finally, please ensure your contact information is current.
Updates/newsletters can also be seen at:

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